Hi, I'm Adam.

I'm your next Software Engineer.

What Drives Me to Code?

I'm a problem solver at heart. For years, I've created campaigns for brands like Capital One and Ziploc as an advertising copywriter. After falling down a rabbit hole of wonderful tech tools, I now bring that technical and creative problem solving to coding.

Some of the tools I work with include JavaScript, React, Node, Express, MongoDB, HTML, and CSS. As much as I love the MERN stack, I love learning new technologies even more!

Resume Link

My Projects

Check out some of my full-stack applications and fully-responsive sites below! Questions? Hit me up!

Leywa Afrika

An African disaspora art dealership I built for a client. It comes with a fully-functional online store, collection pages, featured artist section, etc.

Brooke Miller

A sleek realtor site with highly-interactive listings, contact form, blog, testimontials, locations, etc.

Web Designer Service

You deserve an adaptive site that not only reflects the look and feel of your business, but also allows people on any device to easily navigate it. Here's how we'll work together:

  • Free consultation
  • Proposal & schedule
  • Work & regular client updates
  • Launch & support

Contact Me

Hi, I'm a full-stack engineer based in Ohio. I'm open all types of software engineer opportunities, including remote and moving. Don't hesitate to reach out at arathbundev@gmail.com or below!